Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji
Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka

Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs
Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua

Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Dr. Raijeli Taga
H.E Filimone Waqabaca
Ni sa Bula Vinaka!
Welcome to the Website of the Embassy of the Republic of Fiji in Japan which is yet one of the several gateways to learn about Fiji, its people and economy. It articulates the Embassy’s diplomatic vision, objectives, and functions as per the aspiration of the Fijian Government in Enhancing Global Integration and International Relations, which establishes the central plank of Fiji’s Foreign Policy. This is a testament to the work undertaken by the Embassy in fostering and deepening bilateral relations with its countries of accreditation, namely Japan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of the Philippines, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Brunei Darussalam, including enhancement of symbiotic economic ties.
Thank you for honoring us with your visit and happy browsing!
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