His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Fiji, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere, officiates at the commissioning ceremony for Fiji’s HC to UK,Mr.Jovilisi Vulailai Suveinakama, at State House.
19/03/2024Published On: 18/03/2024
A development cooperation dialogue aims to enhance bilateral relations and strategic engagements between Fiji and Japan.
Convened jointly by the Embassy of Japan and Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the first in five years of such dialogue was chaired by Director Multilateral at Fiji MFA Ms. Keleni Seruvatu and Director Country Assistance Planning Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Mr Naoaki Kamoshida.
The dialogue highlighted prospects for deepened cooperation in the build up to 10th triennial Pacific Island Leaders Meeting (PALM10) to be hosted by Japan in July this year. It underscored the Japan’s reviewed Development Cooperation Charter, as one of the important tools to promote diplomacy to achieve peaceful, stable and prosperous international community.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Seruvatu thanked the Government of Japan for the opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue to discuss important aspects of the Fiji-Japan relations.
She acknowledged the ongoing support and Japan’s commitment to realign cooperation with the important national policy documents currently developed by Fiji notably the National Development Plan (NDP) and the first Foreign Policy White Paper.
Ms. Seruvatu said the dialogue comprehensively looked at prospects to maximise development cooperation on shared priorities such as tackling climate change and strengthening the foundations for economic development.
On the same note, Ms. Seruvatu commended the work undertaken by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through tangible projects that supports livelihood of communities and it demonstrates the strength of Fiji and Japan relations.
In his response, Mr Kamoshida said dialogue demonstrates Japan’s commitment to advance relations with Fiji and the Pacific, through promoting development cooperation under Japan’s revised Development Cooperation Charter.
He said Japan attaches great importance to Fiji and the policy dialogue is to map the way forward to building an enduring partnership in promoting sustainable economic and social development of Fiji. Japan’s Development Cooperation Charter is a cabinet document guiding Japan’s bilateral development cooperation and it was revised in June last year.
Mr Kamoshida said Japan recognises that the international community is at a historic turning point and facing compounding crises such as climate change, covid pandemic and serious challenges to the free and open international order.
In his presentation, he highlighted the 4 basic policies identified in Japan’s revised Development Cooperation Charter which include: (1) Contributing to Peace and Prosperity of the international community, (2) Human Security in the new era, (3) Co-creation of social values through dialogue and cooperation with developing countries, and (4) Leading the dissemination and implementation of international rules and guidelines based on inclusiveness, transparency and fairness.
The dialogue was also attended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Fiji Office Resident Representative, Mr Satoshi Wakasugi and representatives from Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications.
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