The 53rd Meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA) and 13th Conference of the Pacific Community (SPC) concluded today (27.10.23) on a high-note with a call made by Fiji for stronger regional cooperation to advance Pacific’s prosperity by promoting women’s empowerment and leadership at all levels of development.
This message was articulated at the concluding programme organised by the SPC Women in Leadership Team and the Pacific Women Lead to highlight gender issues on climate change, leadership and on gender based violence.
In her remarks, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua called for action oriented initiatives to empower women into leadership roles.
“In drawing from our Pacific blueprint, the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, our Leaders have committed to gender equality and equity and there has been a renewed commitment in the region through the Revitalised Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration (PLGED) that will be tabled to Leaders in Cook Islands next month.
“The onus is on us as individuals and the part we play to realize the goals that we have set for ourselves on gender in our regional plans including through the Implementation Plan for the 2050 Strategy and the SPC Strategic Plan. If we do not take ownership of this, then the stark reality of many women in the region will remain the same,” Hon. Qereqeretabua said.
She highlighted that Pacific region must work together to transform our region and the world for the best outcomes for all people, including women and girls, in stating that their voices must be at the center of climate discussions and decision-making processes.
On the same note, Hon. Qereqeretabua commended the work of SPC in adopting a regional roadmap for Pacific gender statistics with the aim of making the lived realities of pacific women and girls visible through relevant and current data for better informed policy making.
She called on the regional partners for their support in building a more collective and coordinated approach in promoting an inclusive, sustainable and resilient Pacific that prioritizes the welfare of women, children and youths.
“This is what I leave us with today – we have our universal and regional commitments for gender equality. Each country represented here has signed up to at least one or more regional or international commitment on gender equality. What are we doing about these commitments on a national level?,” Hon. Qereqeretabua said.
In conclusion, she thanked the SPC Secretariat and all the stakeholders for their commendable efforts in organizing the meeting which was an opportunity to undertake fruitful discussions on issues of importance to our Pacific region.
The 13th Conference of the Pacific Community (SPC) was held at SPC’s headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia from Thursday 26th to Friday 27th October 2023.
Ottawa, Ontario—Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada welcomed four new heads of mission to Canada.
His Excellency Pema Lektup Dorji
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bhutan
His Excellency Crisantos Obama Ondo
Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
His Excellency Ratu Ilisoni Caucau Cabealawa Vuidreketi
High Commissioner for the Republic of Fiji
His Excellency Jose Alfonso Blanco Conde
Ambassador of the Dominican Republic
OTTAWA (Ontario)