Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji
Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka

Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs
Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua

Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Dr. Raijeli Taga
H.E Jagnnath Sami
High Commissioner of the Republic of Fiji to India
Ni sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste!
Welcome to the website of the High Commission of the Republic of Fiji in New Delhi!
I wish to take this time to thank you for visiting this site and am certain you will find this website useful and you will learn more about Fiji/India bilateral relations and about our people, the business and investment opportunities that are available in Fiji and you will also get a glimpse of the exciting places to visit in Fiji in our gallery. Fiji awaits you to dazzling sand, swigging palm trees and pristine blue waters. Fiji is blessed with multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual communities. Fijians are always ready to welcome you with their genuine smiles and Bula greetings on arrivals. Read More
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Please note that you will need to refer to our passport renewal and replacement checklist for documents needed when you come for your appointment.
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