Head of State Commissions Fiji’s High Commissioner Designate to the Independent state of Papua New Guinea
MLMR and MFA collaborate on pinktober initiative
31/10/2024Published On: 31/10/2024
The Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Team proudly celebrated Diwali earlier this week, emphasizing the importance of unity, peace and prosperity in nation building and solidarity.
The program highlighted the messages portrayed by the festival of lights, which is embracing the values of care and compassion, humility and kindness, and illuminating victory over darkness.
The Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua officiated the program, expressing her gratitude to the team for their efforts in organizing the Diwali celebrations for MFA.
Diwali is an integral part of Fiji’s cultural landscape, enriching our collective identity and nurturing bonds of friendship and unity. The celebrations symbolises the spirit of togetherness and generosity that has come to define Fiji’s Diwali celebrations.
On behalf of the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua and Fiji Foreign Missions abroad, the Ministry extends warm Diwali wishes to all the development partners, Fijian diaspora, including friends and families in Fiji and abroad.
We trust that this Diwali will bring everlasting happiness and prosperity in your lives and that of your families.
From Team MFA, “Wishing you and your families a Happy and Prosperous Diwali.”