MFA’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Committee

Fire Warden Training 2024

The Ministry’s OHS Committee in collaboration with the National Fire Authority (NFA) conducted a Fire Wardens Training programme to equip the Team with meaningful information and knowledge, to perform the role of fire warden.

This training enabled the fire wardens to gain a thorough understanding of the causes of fire and correct evacuation procedures to be taken during emergencies. The session conducted by NFA provided knowledge on the escape routes, the effective use of fire extinguishers, and first aid fire equipment installed in the building, amongst other safety measures explained during the training program held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As part of their roles, the fire wardens are responsible for executing an escape plan successfully. The evacuation exercise conducted for the MFA staff was an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the fire safety measures. Fire wardens were able to inspect fire equipment such as installed fire alarm system, detectors, and emergency lighting in the building and other important safety elements.