Prime Minister Rabuka officially opens the Heads of Missions meeting in Suva
Prime Minister Rabuka Champions Rural Development and Poverty Eradication through Strategic Projects
30/12/2024Published On: 21/12/2024
Fiji’s Heads of Missions Meeting concluded on a positive note, following the comprehensive deliberation of three (3) day – dialogue with focus on developing collaborative strategies and networking to deepen Fiji’s bilateral and multilateral engagements, and economic cooperation, through Fiji’s 13 Diplomatic Missions based in: United States
, United Kingdom
, Australia
, New Zealand
, China
, Japan
, India
, Papua New Guinea
(PNG), the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
, Indonesia
, Malaysia
, and Permanent Missions in New York
, United States and Geneva in Switzerland

The first of such meeting for Fiji’s Diplomatic Missions was held at the iTaukei Trust Fund Board Talanoa Lounge, Nasese, Suva. The Meeting was officially closed yesterday afternoon by the Speaker of Parliament, The Honourable Filimone Jitoko. The Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs Team with the attendance of the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua and Permanent Secretary Mr. Lesikimacuata Korovavala, accorded a traditional ceremony to honor the Speaker and thanked him for availing his time to close the event and meet Fiji’s Heads of Missions.
In his remarks, the Speaker shared his experiences as a former diplomat and Head of Mission and elaborated on the importance of diplomacy in advancing Fiji’s interests globally. The Speaker’s first posting as a diplomat, was as Second Secretary in 1979, to Fiji’s 
Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN), that coincided with the UN General Assembly, in September.

The Speaker acknowledged the crucial work of Fiji’s Diplomatic Missions and wished them well in their calling to represent His Excellency the President, the Government and people at the global stage.
“As you wrap up this consultation, I hope that the knowledge and experiences shared here will greatly enhance Fiji’s diplomatic efforts and contribute to the achievement of our national goals. At the end of it all, you in whatever capacities you are in, all serve to further these goals and ultimately for the betterment of our country and our people.
“It is my prayer that you will continue to work together with dedication and commitment, to advance Fiji’s interests and indeed its future, on the global stage. You have I am sure, engaged in fruitful discussions, shared valuable insights, raised challenges that you face and in the process, strengthened your collective understanding of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ mandate as its implements Fiji’s foreign policy and its international commitments,” the Speaker said.
Fiji’s Heads of Missions are grateful to have this platform to openly discuss foreign relations issues, national priorities, challenges, shared good practices and explored practical solutions to maximise return on investment that yield tangible benefits for the people of Fiji.
During the Meeting, Fiji’s Ambassadors and High Commissioners had the opportunity to review priorities and goals of their respective Missions and collectively discuss, among others, critical topics such as –

The dialogue delved into the facilitation of Fiji’s development through external trade, foreign investment, climate change initiatives, infrastructure, poverty alleviation, and the promotion of key sectors such as
trade and investment,
fisheries, forestry,
tourism and
civil aviation. The discussions underscored the importance of aligning policies with Fiji’s
national interests and priorities and goals across the entire government system.