Thailand: High Commissioner Takali presents Letter of Credence to King of Thailand
Japan provides FJ $5.5 Million Grant Aid to Fiji
18/12/2018Published On: 18/12/2018
Deputy Secretary Policy Mr. Esala Nayasi met with the United States Assistant Secretary for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs Mr. Randall Schriver.
During a meeting held last week Friday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headquarters in Suva, the officials had the opportunity to exchange information on the status of Fiji and US relations.
Fiji and the US have enjoyed good relations since the establishment of Diplomatic relations in 1971 and the two countries endeavour together in addressing current global pressing issues such as international security.
In his remarks, Mr Nayasi acknowledged the US for its recent moves to directly engage with Fiji and the Pacific.
He also stated that he looks forward to the new opportunities that Fiji’s partnership with the State of Nevada would provide towards enhancing Fiji and US relations.
Additionally, Mr. Nayasi acknowledged the recently signed Fiji-US ship-rider agreement providing for exchange of information, technical expertise and resources to enhance maritime security.
In response, Secretary Schriver acknowledged the enhanced collaborations with the Fijian Government and noted the US is committed to being a responsible partner and to engage in a way that is responsive to Fiji’s needs.
As such, the Nevada National Guard would be in Fiji shortly to conduct a mission to understand the areas of needs for the mutual cooperation and engagement with Fiji.